Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Social Media: Growing Your Facebook Community

Team Germany brainstormed ideas for increasing your Fan Base quickly on Facebook: 

  1. Distribute a promotional flyer to all residents with an incentive based program for "liking" us within 30 days.
  2. Send an email to all residents on Property Solutions letting them know that the next 30 residents that "like" you would be entered to win ___________ (concession, gift card or prize).
  3. Make a poster asking residents to "like" the community and put it in your lobby, elevator, laundry room or community boards.
  4. Tell every resident you meet.  Word of mouth is VERY powerful.  Ask them to tell their friends too!
  5. Promote Facebook involvement with a "Face-to-Face: Facebook Meet Up With Your Neighbor"social hour!
  6. Encourage prospective residents to check out the community as well, so they can get a taste of what the community is like.
  7. Include a link to your Facebook community in your email signature.
  8. Add a Facebook link to your website (note: if you have a Property Solutions website, there is a link to your Facebook page on your homepage).
  9. Post everything (scheduled maintenance, fire alarm testing, community events, rent reminders) happening in the community and provide residents with exclusive content, so they see the obvious value in linking the page.
  10. After you have done all of the above…do it again!  There are always new residents coming aboard that were not involved when you rolled it out.

Remember that growth happens slowly at first.  Be patient!  Before you know it, you will have an engaged group of residents. True advocates for your community!

We welcome more ideas on this topic. While a couple of our team members have had some success, the majority of us are still struggling to get residents to “Like” us.

What have you done at your community to help build your fan base?

- Team Germany (Nick Schmalz's Team)


  1. Wir setzen fort, uns auf unsere Facebook anstrengungen mit Piloten zu konzentrieren, und Geschenkkarte geben aways.

    Translation; We continue to focus on our Facebook efforts with flyers and gift card give aways.

  2. Great ideas Team Germany!

    At Emerson Place we have used flyers and contests to increase our fan base. We also ask residents and prospects directly to like our Facebook page. We are going to try adding a link to our email signature to see if that helps.

    Another idea is to like the Facebook pages of local businesses. Not only does this give your fan base links to view other business pages, but if you can get the local businesses to also like your page, it helps grow your own fan base.

  3. Virginia - Emerson PlaceApril 24, 2012 at 11:55 AM

    Emerson Place has hit Facebook gold! Our FB Cutest Pet Contest started on April 20th. Since posting the album of furry resident pictures, out "likes" increased by over 40! The majority of these "likes" are non-Emerson Place residents. Talk about word of mouth. If you are struggling to get traffic on your FB page and you are pet friendly, this is the way to go. Check out our page for ideas, www.facebook.com/emersonplace.
