Sunday, April 22, 2012

Tough week? Remember the basics.

Sometimes, it can seem like nothing is going according to plan. Calls aren't converting to tours, and tours aren't converting to leases. When that happens, remember that YOU have the power to turn things around. If you're wondering where to start, go back to the basics. Are you answering the phone with a smile? Standing to greet your prospective residents? Following up to stand out? These actions seem small, but they can make all the difference.

This short clip, featuring Kerri Strug nailing a vault on one foot (!) during the 1996 Summer Olympics, reminds us that even when we're hurting, we can still push ourselves to achieve great things.

Wishing you all an an Olympic-worthy week of leasing!

1 comment:

  1. I believe that a winning attitude starts when we wake up in the morning. Set your mind each day on having the power to change any lemon into lemonade. Not everything works out perfect but when you have the winners attitude you can make the best out of whatever comes your way. Be Contagious and let your positive attitude and smile rub off on our residents & prospective residents. We have the power to win & change any situation around!

    DeShawna Fisher- Truman Park Apartments

    GO TEAM CANADA!!!!!!
