This week’s blog is about Outreach – Corporate and Community
Outreach is a great way to expand your client base and make your community known. This can be done in two ways; Corporate/Business Outreach and Community Outreach. Both are equally important and you don’t have to break the bank in order to be successful with your Outreach programs.
Book a Rental
- Use your computer to design attractive bookmarks that feature a building photo and your logo, a list of key amenities, and your waiting list number, then print and laminate them. Take them to local bookstores and ask them to give one away with each sale. This is a very low cost way to get your name out there! Make sure you get approval from your Regional Property Manager and the Marketing Department before moving forward with this idea.
Outreach with a twist
- When knocking on the doors of corporate offices, restaurants, dentists or doctor’s offices, fitness centers, or daycare centers, carry your resident welcome folder. Explain to their marketing or promotions director that this folder goes to every one of your new residents, and that all product flyers and brochures that are in the folder are also tacked neatly onto the clubhouse bulletin board for all existing residents to see. Then tell them that you want to give their business FREE advertising, by including them in the resident folder in exchange for tacking up your community’s brochure, flyer, or coupon where it can be seen. As an incentive, you can offer a discount to all employees of that establishment that rent with you, or if they send new customers to your community, you will reward the employee with a referral fee. This is a great way to pick up corporate rentals and new residents. Happy outreach!
Adopt a Pet
- Do you allow pets on your property? If so, offer to work with the Humane Society and/or other organization to hold a pet adoption fair on-site. Promote the program with posters of pets saying, “Would you like a best friend?” The Humane Society, local veterinary offices, radio and TV stations will help you promote the event free of charge. You’ll not only bring in a huge amount of traffic, but also raise income due to pet fees/rent. An event like this might cost you around $100; but you could earn it back taking the idea one step further and offering a pet-sitting or walking service to your residents for $10-15 per walk or visit.
Holiday Food and Toy Drives
- During the holiday season, some local organizations and businesses arrange donation drives to collect toys, food and clothing for families in need. You can collect everything from canned goods and books to winter coats and diapers.
Appreciation for Local Police & Fire
· Host a breakfast or lunch for your local Police/ Fire department. Deliver an afternoon surprise to the local fire department consisting of coffee and snack to let them know you appreciate what they do for your community.
Sports Team Sponsorship
- Many organizations support local youth sports teams by providing uniforms, snacks and beverages at games and assisting with the cost of equipment. This type of community outreach focuses on keeping children active during non-school hours. Organizations can include their names on the back of the children's uniforms, which promotes their businesses and shows their participation within the community
Home Sweet Home
· Last, but never least, we should always try to keep our current residents in mind. We can never communicate too much with our residents. It is important to help them see the value they receive by choosing to rent with us. Let them know that we conducted a light check, that all the fire extinguishers were checked to assure they will work properly - if they are ever needed, most of our residents don’t see what we do when they are at work all day –so it’s our job to keep them informed and build value. It won’t hurt to remind them of the free use of the fax machine, all of the little things that your community does to make their life easier.
With many of these ideas you should consult your Regional Property Manager before moving forward. What are some ideas that you have for Outreach whether it’s in the Community or with a Business?
~The Phillies
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