Monday, March 23, 2015

#hashTAG You're It!

#LifeatDolben certainly got more interesting when we started utilizing social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, and Twitter to reach our residents, prospects, and really anyone who follows our posts. Whether it is politics, TV shows, celebrity gossip, sports, the NAA conference, or anything in between, hashtags are everywhere!  The term was even added to the Oxford Dictionary back in 2010. While some of you may be social media rock stars, let’s bring it back to basics and first explain what a hashtag is.
A hashtag looks like the pound signal on your phone: # It’s a way to label content, identify a topic, or contribute to a conversation. It helps people find content on a topic they might be interested in or that they are posting about, too. Hashtags have become integral parts of major news stories, too.  A popular one this month is #marchmadness which already has 761,594 posts on Instagram using that hashtag.  Because that hashtag is so popular, it would be considered a “trending” topic.
Anyone can share content on a topic and add a hashtag to their message. If you were to take a picture of yourself at your desk and post it on Facebook right now, you could hashtag it #OfficeSelfie or #HardatWork . Hashtagging is simple, but there’s some definite do’s and don’ts you should follow:

-         ~  Keep it simple. Especially on Twitter where character count is limited, don’t create a long hashtag. #ShortandSweet
-          ~ Make it something easy to remember! Market Place at Fells Point uses the hashtag #LiveMarketplace on their Instagram photos. Residents could post pictures on their own social media sites with that hashtag and then it can be shared or explored by many others
-         ~  Be specific! Kensington at Chelmsford uses their entire name as the hashtag because there are several other “Kensington” related posts out there such as #kensingtongarden or #kensingtonmarket
-          ~Use multiple hashtags of a similar topic to reach a wider audience. Say you posted a picture of #TomBrady during the #SuperBowl – you could also put the hashtags #football #champions #SuperBowlChamps #QB  or any other related word or phrase
-        ~  Make it relevant – Stockbridge Court does a great job on their Facebook posts with relevant topics and hashtags. When it was time for Daylight Savings, they posted a picture with the hashtag #SpringForward . Even something as simple as on a Friday posting #HappyFriday keeps their posts relevant and engaging.
-         ~ Create your own! Maybe your property is having their summer BBQ and created a photo booth for residents to use. Have them use a unique hashtag to document the photos such as #SummeratSettlersLanding or #PineBrookPoolParty

-         ~ Use spaces! Hashtags are one continuous thought. To separate words, use a mix of upper and lower case letters! #LifeatDolben #ApartmentsforRent #TeamDolben or #FloorPlanoftheWeek are all examples of multiple word hashtags with no spaces
-          ~Use a non-relevant hashtag to get attention. If you post a picture of your misspelled name on your coffee from Starbucks and use the hashtag #MarchMadness, you’re really not contributing to what the hashtag is intended for, although that is a whole other kind of madness! What you could post instead would be #WrongName #GetItRightStarbucks
-         ~ Don’t hashtag every single word in your posts! #It #Looks #Sloppy (Example of what not to do!)

How can you use hashtags at your property?  Start simple! A popular hashtag is #MotivationalMonday – post an inspirational quote on Monday morning to your property’s Facebook page followed by that hashtag and you’re on your way! Has your property recently done some renovations or upgrades? Post a side-by-side comparison photo on a Thursday and use the hashtag #tbt (Stands for “Throwback Thursday”) and say something like “ #tbt to when our kitchens were all white. Check out our newly upgraded kitchens with all stainless steel appliances! #ShinyandNew “ Maybe on a Friday you post a picture of a floor plan you’re trying to market. Detail out all of the features and then use the hashtag #FloorplanFriday

Still unsure? Have a laugh and watch Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake hash it out while you think of some hashtags you can use at your property:

What hashtags do you currently use at your property or which ones can you start using on your social media sites?  

-Green Team (Nick's Team)

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